Keeping Current Matters Why Are People Moving Today? Buying a home is a major life decision. That’s true whether you’re purchasing for the first time or selling your house to fuel a move. And if you’re planning to buy a home, you might be hearing about today’s shifting market and wondering what it means for you. While mortgage rates are higher than they were at the start of […]
Keeping Current Matters A Real Estate Professional Helps You Separate Fact from Fiction If you’re following the news, chances are you’ve seen or heard some headlines about the housing market that don’t give the full picture. The real estate market is shifting, and when that happens, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. That’s where a trusted real estate professional comes in. They can help debunk […]
Uncategorized How Your Equity Can Grow Over Time How Your Equity Can Grow over Time It’s true that record levels of home price appreciation have spurred significant equity gains for homeowners over the past few years. As Diana Olick, Real Estate Correspondent at CNBC, says: “The stunning jump in home values over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic has given U.S. homeowners record amounts of housing wealth.” That’s great […]
Keeping Current Matters A Key Opportunity for Homebuyers There’s no denying the housing market has delivered a fair share of challenges to homebuyers over the past two years. Two of the biggest hurdles homebuyers faced during the pandemic were the limited number of homes for sale and the intensity and frequency of bidding wars. But those two things have reached a turning point. […]
Keeping Current Matters Is the Housing Market Correcting? If you’re following the news, all of the headlines about conditions in the current housing market may leave you with more questions than answers. Is the boom over? Is the market crashing or correcting? Here’s what you need to know. The housing market is moderating compared to the last two years, but what everyone needs to remember is that […]
Keeping Current Matters Why Achieving the Dream of Homeownership Can Be More Difficult for Some Americans Today we take time to honor and recognize the past and present experiences of Black Americans. When it comes to real estate specifically, equitable access to housing has come a long way, but the path to homeownership is still steeper for households of color. The Gap in Homeownership Rate in America It’s a more challenging […]
Keeping Current Matters Why Achieving the Dream of Homeownership Can Be More Difficult for Some Americans Today we take time to honor and recognize the past and present experiences of Black Americans. When it comes to real estate specifically, equitable access to housing has come a long way, but the path to homeownership is still steeper for households of color. The Gap in Homeownership Rate in America It’s a more challenging […]
Keeping Current Matters Will Home Prices Fall This Year? Here’s What Experts Say. Many people are wondering: will home prices fall this year? Whether you’re a potential homebuyer, seller, or both, the answer to this question matters for you. Let’s break down what’s happening with home prices, where experts say they’re headed, and how this impacts your homeownership goals. What’s Happening with Home Prices?  Home prices have seen 121 consecutive months of year-over-year increases. CoreLogic says: “Price appreciation […]
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Keeping Current Matters What You Actually Need To Know About the Number of Foreclosures in Today’s Housing Market   While you may have seen recent stories about the volume of foreclosures today, context is important. During the pandemic, many homeowners were able to pause their mortgage payments using the forbearance program. The goal was to help homeowners financially during the uncertainty created by the health crisis. When the forbearance program began, many experts […]
Keeping Current Matters How Today’s Mortgage Rates Impact Your Home Purchase If you’re planning to buy a home, it’s critical to understand the relationship between mortgage rates and your purchasing power. Purchasing power is the amount of home you can afford to buy that’s within your financial reach. Mortgage rates directly impact the monthly payment you’ll have on the home you purchase. So, when rates rise, so does […]
Keeping Current Matters 2022 Housing Market Forecast [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights What does the rest of the year hold for the housing market? Here’s what experts have to say about what lies ahead. Home prices are projected to rise and so are mortgage rates. Experts are also forecasting another strong year for home salesas people move to meet their changing needs. Let’s connect so you can make your best move this year.
Keeping Current Matters Three Tips for First-Time Homebuyers Buying your first home is a major decision and an exciting milestone. Even though it can feel daunting at times, it has the power to change your life for the better. If you’re looking to purchase your first home, you may be wondering what’s happening in the housing market today, how much you need to save, and where to […]
Keeping Current Matters Your House Could Be Closer to List-Ready Than You Think
Keeping Current Matters Things That Could Help You Win a Bidding War on a Home With a limited number of homes for sale today and so many buyers looking to make a purchase before mortgage rates rise further, bidding wars are common. According to the latest report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), nationwide, homes are getting an average of 4.8 offers per sale. Here’s a look at how that breaks down state-by-state (see map below): The same report […]
Keeping Current Matters Today’s Home Price Appreciation Is Great News for Existing Homeowners If you’re planning to sell your home this season, rising prices are great news for you. But it’s important to understand why prices are rising to begin with. One major factor is supply and demand. In any industry, when there are more buyers for an item than there are of that item available, prices naturally rise. In those situations, buyers are willing to […]
Keeping Current Matters What You Need To Know About Selling in a Sellers’ Market Even if you haven’t been following real estate news, you’ve likely heard about the current sellers’ market. That’s because there’s a lot of talk about how strong market conditions are for people who want to sell their houses. But if you’re thinking about listing your house, you probably want to know: what does being in a sellers’ market really […]
Keeping Current Matters The Dream of Homeownership Is Worth the Effort If you’re in the market to buy a home this season, stick with it. Homebuyers face challenges in any market, and today’s is no exception. But if you persevere, your decision to purchase a home will be worth the effort in the end. In fact, a recent surveyfrom Bankrate shows homeownership is so powerful that: “Nearly three in […]
Keeping Current Matters How Homeownership Can Help Shield You from Inflation If you’re following along with the news today, you’ve likely heard about rising inflation. You’re also likely feeling the impact in your day-to-day life as prices go up for gas, groceries, and more. These rising consumer costs can put a pinch on your wallet and make you re-evaluate any big purchases you have planned to […]
Keeping Current Matters Is It Enough To Offer Asking Price in Today’s Housing Market? If you’re planning to buy a home this season, you’re probably thinking about what you’ll need to do to get your offer accepted. In previous years, it was common for buyers to try and determine how much less than the asking price they could offer to still get the home. The buyer and seller would then negotiate […]
Keeping Current Matters Why This Housing Market Is Not a Bubble Ready To Pop Homeownership has become a major element in achieving the American Dream. A recent report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) finds that over 86% of buyers agree homeownership is still the American Dream. Prior to the 1950s, less than half of the country owned their own home. However, after World War II, many returning veterans used the benefits afforded by […]