Keeping Current Matters

Buyer Low Housing Inventory Is a Sweet Spot for Sellers Some Highlights Today’s housing inventory is still well below more normal years. This low inventory is why homes that are priced right are still selling quickly and seeing multiple offers. If you want to sell your house, now is a great time because inventory is still low. Let’s connect to start the process.  
Buyer Reasons Your Home May Not Be Selling When it comes to selling your house, you want three things: to sell it for the most money you can, to do it in a certain amount of time, and to do all of that with the fewest hassles. And, while the current housing market is generally favorable to sellers due to today’s limited housing supply, […]
Buyer Momentum Is Building for New Home Construction If you’re in the process of looking for a home today, you know the supply of homes for sale is low because you’re feeling the impact of having a limited pool of options. And, if your biggest hurdle right now is that you’re having trouble finding something you like, don’t forget that a newly built home is […]
Buyer The Benefits of Downsizing for Homeowners Some Highlights Downsizing is a popular choice for homeowners when they retire or when their needs change, but with inflation still high, it’s also a way to reduce costs. Downsizing could help cut down on your expenses and your equity can fuel your move. If you’re thinking about moving to a smaller home, let’s connect to go over your housing goals and look at your options on our local market.    
Buyer Today’s Housing Inventory Is a Sweet Spot for Sellers One of the biggest challenges in the housing market right now is how few homes there are for sale compared to the number of people who want to buy them. To help emphasize just how limited housing inventory still is, let’s take a look at the latest information on active listings, or homes for sale in a […]
Buyer Why Buying a Home Makes More Sense Than Renting Today Why Buying a Home Makes More Sense Than Renting Today Monday May 1st, 2023 For Buyers, First Time Home Buyers, Buying Myths, Rent vs. Buy Wondering if you should continue renting or if you should buy a home this year? If so, consider this. Rental affordability is still a challenge and has been for years. That’s because, historically, rents trend up […]
Buyer Ways To Overcome Affordability Challenges in Today’s Housing Market [INFOGRAPHIC] Ways To Overcome Affordability Challenges in Today’s Housing Market [INFOGRAPHIC] Friday April 28th, 2023 For Buyers, Infographics, Pricing, First Time Home Buyers, Interest Rates, Move-Up Buyers Some Highlights With so few homes on the market right now, widening the scope of your search to include nearby areas could help you find more options in your budget. You can also work with a […]
Buyer The Power of Pre-Approval The Power of Pre-Approval Monday April 24th, 2023 For Buyers, First Time Home Buyers, Move-Up Buyers If you’re buying a home this spring, today’s housing market can feel like a challenge. With so few homes on the market right now, plus higher mortgage rates, it’s essential to have a firm grasp on your homebuying budget. You’ll also need a sense […]
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Keeping Current Matters Leverage Your Equity When You Sell Your House One of the benefits of being a homeowner is that you build equity over time. By selling your house, that equity can be used toward purchasing your next home. But before you can put it to use, you should understand exactly what equity is and how it grows. Bankrate explains it like this: “Home equity is the portion of your […]
Keeping Current Matters Reasons To Sell Your House This Season
Keeping Current Matters Key Advantages of Buying a Home Today     There’s no doubt buying a home today is different than it was over the past couple of years, and the shift in the market has led to advantages for buyers today. Right now, there are specific reasons that make this housing market attractive for those who’ve thought about buying but have sidelined their search due […]
Keeping Current Matters 3 Ways You Can Use Your Home Equity If you’re a homeowner, odds are your equity has grown significantly over the last few years as home prices skyrocketed and you made your monthly mortgage payments. Home equity builds over time and can help you achieve certain goals. According to the latest Equity Insights Report from CoreLogic, the average borrower with a home loan has almost $300,000 in equity right now. As you […]
Keeping Current Matters Buyers: You May Face Less Competition as Bidding Wars Ease One of the top stories in recent real estate headlines was the intensity and frequency of bidding wars. With so many buyers looking to purchase a home and so few of them available for sale, fiercely competitive bidding wars became the norm during the pandemic – and it drove home prices up. If you tried to buy […]
Keeping Current Matters A Trusted Real Estate Advisor Provides Expert Advice If you’re a homeowner or are planning to become one soon, you’re probably looking for clear information about today’s housing market. And if you’ve turned to the news or even just read headlines recently, you might feel like you’re left with more questions than answers. The best way to make sure you get what you need is to […]
Keeping Current Matters Planning To Retire? Your Equity Can Help You Reach Your Goal. Whether you’ve just retired or you’re thinking about retirement, you may be considering your options and trying to picture a whole new stage of your life. And you’re not alone. Research from the Retirement Industry Trust Association (RITA) shows 10,000 Baby Boomers reach the typical retirement age (65) every day, and only 47% of the people in that generation […]
Keeping Current Matters Why Are People Moving Today? Buying a home is a major life decision. That’s true whether you’re purchasing for the first time or selling your house to fuel a move. And if you’re planning to buy a home, you might be hearing about today’s shifting market and wondering what it means for you. While mortgage rates are higher than they were at the start of […]
Keeping Current Matters A Real Estate Professional Helps You Separate Fact from Fiction If you’re following the news, chances are you’ve seen or heard some headlines about the housing market that don’t give the full picture. The real estate market is shifting, and when that happens, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. That’s where a trusted real estate professional comes in. They can help debunk […]
Keeping Current Matters A Key Opportunity for Homebuyers There’s no denying the housing market has delivered a fair share of challenges to homebuyers over the past two years. Two of the biggest hurdles homebuyers faced during the pandemic were the limited number of homes for sale and the intensity and frequency of bidding wars. But those two things have reached a turning point. […]
Keeping Current Matters Is the Housing Market Correcting? If you’re following the news, all of the headlines about conditions in the current housing market may leave you with more questions than answers. Is the boom over? Is the market crashing or correcting? Here’s what you need to know. The housing market is moderating compared to the last two years, but what everyone needs to remember is that […]
Keeping Current Matters Why Achieving the Dream of Homeownership Can Be More Difficult for Some Americans Today we take time to honor and recognize the past and present experiences of Black Americans. When it comes to real estate specifically, equitable access to housing has come a long way, but the path to homeownership is still steeper for households of color. The Gap in Homeownership Rate in America It’s a more challenging […]